Antdroid IEM Ranking List

The Antdroid Tier List for IEMs is a compilation of three main categories: Tonality, Technicality, and my own Preference Grade with a weighted scoring system of 15% 15 % and 70% respectively.

The Preference grade is just my personal grade which is based on sound, fit/feel, and other more subjective biases. Remember, "tonality" and "technicality" is supposed to stand on its own, they still may and will have bias applied to it from me. I am not a robot, even if my user name may imply so.

There is also a unique Value score. This is a auto-generated score based on the price to performance ratio of each IEM versus the entire population. It'll give up to 3 stars for best value at their price points, and also show "X" for ones to avoid as poor performers for their price point.

As of May 27, 2024 -- this is a visualized version of the ranking list:

To open this ranking list in a new browser window, click HERE.

Feel free to post comments below or visit the thread on the Headphones Community forum where I can answer questions and discuss here:

View the product ratings on Antdroid's IEM Ranking List and/or Antdroid's Headphone Ranking List


  1. maybe nice addition -- color code the prices based on the country created. Example -- make all US based iems blue shaded -- make all China red. Or don't want to go to country level, go Asia one color, go Europe another, etc.

    I think you'll notice that the list is Asia-American focused.

  2. kinda bummed to see the Tia Trio ranked so low :P

  3. Where would the Moondrop S8 sit on your list?

  4. Is this being updated? e500 should be on list.


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