Tin T2 Evo Review

The Tin Hifi T2 lineup has seen a progression through the years and the latest in this evolution is aptly named the T2 Evo. Previous incarnations include the T2, T2 Pro, and T2 Plus, as well as all the other Tx products that, for more or less, are derivatives of the original Tin T2 that gained a lot of popularity for its neutral sound signature that most closely resembles the Etymotic tuning.

Each iteration previous either added more upper treble (T2 Pro) or more bass (T2 Plus). This Evo version takes the same (or similar) shell design, and replaces the dual dynamic driver configuration of the previous models and goes with a single 10mm carbon dynamic driver. And instead of elevating treble or bass, the Evo pushes more into the lower treble range of its tuning profile.

This of course does give some positives and negatives in my point of view. Clarity is more noticeable but at the expense of some tonal issues with vocals and guitars, which sound a little more exaggerated and stretched than what they should, and this gives the overall presentation a slightly lean focus.

In actual listening, I don't find the presentation to be as jarring as it may appear in the graph above, and it never sounded overly shouty, and overly bright like the Moondrop SSR did (shown below). Perhaps its the smoother upper-mids that give the T2 Evo a less harsh attack, and an overall warmer sound signature.

Still, the T2 Evo isn't really my cup of tea, and I'd much prefer the T2 and T2 Plus over this one, however I'd take this over the T2 Pro and the Moondrop SSR. At $49, there's a few other contenders to battle like the Blon BL-03, or to stretch the budget a little higher, the excellent Moondrop Aria.

The T2 Evo is probably Tin's response to the Moondrop SSR/SSP releases, and perhaps there is a place for them on the market given the success of Moondrop's releases, but they don't cater to my musical needs and preferences.

And before I sign off on this quick impressions, I do want to thank Linsoul for providing this T2 Evo review unit. The T2 Evo can be found on their website at https://www.linsoul.com/products/tinhifi-t2-evo?variant=41024519340187

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