UPDATE: Congrats to xzackly7 for winning the Ti and to Rafael Grecco for winning the Be! You will be reached out to shortly via your provided emails.
Thank you again to all who signed up!
As promised in my review, I am holding a giveaway for the Periodic Beryllium and Titanium used in said review. Now I for one don't ever read the introductory text on giveaways, so you can read the review if you want an opinion on the IEMs themselves, but I'm going to go ahead and state the rules of the giveaway here, which you should read.
- No purchase is necessary to enter
- Giveaway is limited to the continental U.S. only
- Limit one entry per person, hence the login requirement
- Winners will be selected via a random name picker a week after this is posted at 5:00PM CST
- If you are selected, which model you win will be random
- Provided emails will be used for contact only
- Provided names will be used in the announcement post. Feel free to use a username if you don't want the viewers of this site to see your real name
The link to the giveaway form is here: https://forms.gle/YPoaz7kAGErAMWAs8, check back at this post in a week to see if you've won, and thank you for your patience!
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